Jeff Mandel NJ lawyer

Jeffrey Mandel NJ lawyer  


image jeff mandel
image jeffrey mandel

Jeff Mandel New Jersey

Jeff Mandel New Jersey lawyer

Jeffrey S. Mandel

Jeffrey Mandel New Jersey

These are my pictures. Do not steal them. Do not post them for sale. I took them. They are for people to look at, for free, and to enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer.

When not working as a New Jersey lawyer

Jeffrey Mandel New Jersey lawyer

Jeffrey Mandel fight is not here. 

Jeffrey Mandell

These are Jeffrey S. Mandel's pictures and only Jeffrey S. Mandel can authorize their duplication/copying, which Jeffrey S. Mandel will not do.

jeffrey s. mandel

Jeffrey Mandell

These are Jeffrey S. Mandel's pictures and only Jeffrey S. Mandel can authorize their duplication/copying, which Jeffrey S. Mandel will not do.

Jeffrey Mandel Jeff mandel

, Jeffrey Mandel, Jeff Mandel

Jeffrey Mandell lawyer

Though not a solicitation being sent to you, this web site may be considered an ADVERTISEMENT.  Before making your choice of attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. The selection of an attorney is an important decision. If you believe this web site is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, CN 970, Trenton, NJ 08625-970.

Jeffrey Mandell,  Jeff Mandell,

Jeff Mandel, Jeffrey Mandel, Jeff Mandell



    I study animals before entering their world. I watch videos of their behavior. DO NOT approach them unless you too study them and please never hurt them. They are beautiful creatures who bite for only survival or out of fear. 

   Finding them is the challenge. Some blend in. While filming macaw in Costa Rica, a fer-de-lance sprung up from nowhere and tried to bite me. Click (here) for info on this snake. Others look harmless, but a bullet ant bite exposes you to the most painful insect bite known to humans. Click (here) for info on this ant.